Transitions are full of obstacles. Optimists believe that their efforts will lead to favorable outcomes, so they persist when faced with obstacles. Pessimists have a greater tendency to disengage because they don’t believe their efforts will pay off, which can result in feelings of helplessness. Because they are willing to try and try again, optimists tend to experience more efficient and effective transitions.
The uncertainty and volume of work during transitions are common sources of stress that over time can weaken the immune system, leaving you more susceptible to illness and burnout. Optimism shields people from stress because optimists tend to interpret situations in a way that doesn’t elicit a stress response.
Excessive negative thinking tends to exacerbate and prolong problems. People stuck in negative thinking patterns have less mental energy to find effective or creative solutions when problems arise. Because optimists spend less time focusing on the negative, they have more cognitive resources available to find a solution. They don’t pretend everything is fine. They believe it will be in spite of the problem and search for a way to make it happen.
Even people who have a natural tendency toward seeing the negative in a situation can deliberately search for the positive.
– Dale Carnegie
Don’t waste energy focusing on things that you can’t control. There are elements of every situation that you can control. If nothing else, you can manage your response. Choosing a response in line with your purpose will give you a greater sense of control over a situation and mitigate the stress associated with it.
The people with whom you associate influence your perception of yourself and the world around you. If you surround yourself with people who focus on the positive, expect the best, and encourage you to keep moving forward, you are more likely to do just that. You will have people around you, some of whom you love, who are pessimists. They are not bad people you need to banish from your life, and their pessimism also has value. Just be aware of how those around you impact your world view and response to challenges. During transitions, it is especially helpful to prioritize time with people who will reinforce an optimistic outlook.