We offer a family of predictive pre-employment assessments designed to measure important work-related personality characteristics in applicants for entry-level jobs. Customer service representatives, supervisors, bank tellers, healthcare workers, and retail sales are just a few of the positions in which these assessments can significantly reduce turnover and increase job performance. These are validated personality-based assessments tailored to the work personality requirements of over 20 jobs.
Amy is the Director of HR in a large organization with hundreds of locations. Turnover at the front line was very high and Amy wanted to find a way to bring the costs down. We introduced a suite of predicative frontline assessments to help her team make better hiring decisions. The assessments measure how an applicant’s personality fits with the job, their integrity, and counter productive behaviors such as lying or stealing from the company. Amy wanted to weed out the worst candidates so she had a better pool of candidates to choose from at the interview stage. She uses the assessments validated for entry-level sales, customer service, supervisors, and inside sales people. Managers tell Amy that their interviews are far more valuable in part because they are interviewing better applicants and in part because the report highlights areas to dive deeper during the interview. Turnover costs decreased substantially since they began using the assessments because they have the information they need to make better hiring decisions. Amy’s team has enjoyed tremendous savings and continue to use the assessments nine years after first adding them to their hiring process.
Contact us here or call 651-210-6021 to find out how Klassen Performance Group can help to keep your turnover costs down and make better hiring investments.